ILMAMUSI Mukogodo Forest Association is a registered Community Forest Association (CFA) responsible for the management of the Mukogodo Forest Reserve under a Management Agreement with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS). Mukogodo forest is
the largest forest in Laikipia County, covering a vast 30,189 hectares of natural forest. The forest is a national water tower and is one of a dozen remaining indigenous forests of important size in Kenya.

ILMAMUSI Mukogodo Forest Association
The pastoralist communities surrounding the Forest depend on forest products such as honey, herbs, firewood, water, pasture, and building materials. Ecotourism is a more recent form of income generation.
ILMAMUSI was formed in 2003, formally registered in 2008 but became fully operational in 2016 with a well constituted management committee of 24 members, fully paid 15 staff (project manager, one admin assistant, 12 rangers and one security coordinator), and a well – equipped office strategically located at the entrance to the forest.
ILMAMUSI CFA is a registered member of the National Alliance of Community Forests Association (NACOFA), Laikipia Wildlife Forum (LWF), Laikipia Tourism Association(LTA), Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership(MKWEP) and the Laikipia Conservancies Association (LCA) . [ Learn More ]
Our Areas or Work
To enhance community participation in forest landscape restoration programmes and
establish more partnerships for improved community wellbeing.